Things No One Will Tell You About Sex

No doubts, movies, in a big way have affected some of the thoughts we have as human beings, towards sex, making us to expect the ”seemingly natural” as proclaimed to us from the screens and also have an imagery of what sex really is not.

However, as individuals, we get information that we need on any topic, all thanks to the search engine called Google. Even hearing gist about sex from peers, friends, sex experts and the seemingly experienced guy or lady just down the street does not guarantee you hearing some of the followings you are about to read.
Like what we see in the movies, that we see two perfect people, who do not have problems,  gaze at each other, and the next thing we see is boom!… they’re in bed doing it. Sex does not just “happen”, it requires a little work, here and there, knowing the person more, agreement (either formally or informally).
Movies paint a picture of talking about sex as a taboo, making it look like its just cool to get along and pretend everything is just fine when nothing has ever been sexually. Being afraid to tell that to the guy you’re sleeping with will only result in a one-sided, unsatisfactory sex life. There is nothing as cool as being able to voice your sexual opinions to the ears of your partner, it greatly enhances your sexual lives.
Ladies have been made to believe  that balls should look one way enticing but the truth is  Balls don’t look like what you think they do. They hang lower than you thought they would, and at first you will get an impulse to whack it back and forth like a cat would. It is a truth universally acknowledged that all balls looks like the balls of old men.
Most times, movies paint the picture of a stress-free and awesomely beautiful experience when you try some major sex positions. But, you should know that roughly half of the most common positions are somehow uncomfortable on your knees. Do not be deceived.
Direct pressure on your clitoris can be too intense and feel uncomfortable as against what many have believed. Amazingly, men especially do not know this, which is why “fingering” to some of them means “pounding like they’re playing Doom and the female clit is the space bar on the keyboard.” Supposedly avoiding direct contact, focusing more on the upper left side rather than the center, is the most pleasurable for women.
The person who took your virginity could mean nothing to you as against the general belief that we were brought up to think that we’ll have mutual virginity loss with our high school boyfriend, boy next door or whatever the person we lost the virginity to. The question is, what if the person you lost the virginity to, is someone you barely know?….And that doesn’t mean anything’s wrong with you if you do not have the age long  feeling that has been believed.
Also,  being the one that is more active in bed, does not mean you are strong or active in everyday life. And vice versa: Not taking control in bed doesn’t mean you’re a slow, backward person in your daily life. Fantasies are often totally separate from your nonsexual personality.
Are you surprised?…Do you have more of some of these experiences you might like to share? Do share in the comment section.

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