Secrets of P-Square`s Youth Years Revealed


Secrets of P-Square`s Youth Years Revealed

Secrets of P-Square`s Youth Years Revealed
After presenting their new single the duet revealed some info about their childhood and youth years. 
Now P-Squre is on a promo run of their new single. They were speaking on their new album, which is launching on 12 september, on Toolz’s Mid-Day show on Beat 99.9 FM.
In the interview exept some talks about the music, Paul confessed that before he became famous and rich he used to war as an electrician. He repaired some home stuff. Peter said he sold mangoes before his musical career. He told that he climbed on a tree on their school yard, stole some fruits and sold them after.
Peter also used to gamble and the biggest gamble he took was the idea to move to Lagos.
Brother also mentioned that the recent incident when the group almost broke was a usual misunderstanding between siblings. They reassured their fans that everything is nice in their group now.
Paul also shared some thought on his married life:
“I can’t take a picture without a shirt now, I’ll use a tank top instead but that doesn’t apply to Peter sha!”
He also admitted that now he is feeling more mature and responsible.

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