Man's wife and mistress filmed viciously catfighting in the street

 A wife and a mistress were filmed fighting after they arrive in the hospital to visit the same man;
 The catfight was recorded by local media and later surface online;
 The culprit of the incident was injured in a fatal bus accident last month.
When two loving women come to see you in the hospital just after you cheated death in car crash it’s great but when those women are your wife and mistress this happens

These are the shocking scenes when the wife and mistress of a bus crash victim accidentally meet outside a Peruvian hospital and begin a vicious cat fight in the middle of the street
A brutal catfight erupted outside the hospital in Central Peru after a wife and ex-lover bumped into each other when they both came to visit the same man at the same time.
 (photos, video)
The bizarre incident was caught on camera by local media journalists who had arrived at the hospital to report on the condition of the other passengers injured in the deadly bus crash.

Several other people tried to tear the women apart as they pulled and dragged at each other
The footage show the two furious women hitting, punching and pulling each other’s hair.
At one point, a third woman, who is reportedly is related to one of the women, joins in before two male passers-by eventually managed to separate the trio.
The man was injured last month during a bus accident last month
The culprit of the incident was injured last month during a bus accident in the Province of Chanchamayo that killed 17 and injuried 32 people.

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