Here’s Today’s "Unusual Experiment


Hi Guys!
want women to like you
Here’s today’s photo for our unusual experiment!  This has proven to be a very popular picture, so I don't think it needs any commentary from me...just enjoy.
 Since this is an ongoing experiment to see how your success in your relationships improves with viewing multiple pictures of sexy women over time, I have a really good one for you tomorrow, so pay close attention to your email inbox, and look for an email from me, Julie Young.  
You might want to create a favorites folder in your web browser and save all these links so you can go back and look at these photos whenever you want.  I think it will really brighten your mood, and that will make all of your interactions with women better.  I know I'm attracted to guys who are happy.
  Here's a dumb question for a woman to ask a man- do you like blowjobs?  I can only imagine how fast you said yes, but the truth is, most women LOVE doing it for their man, if approached the right way.  Most guys do it wrong, but when you put this "head on demand" trick to work, the woman or women in your life will be happy to please you whenever you're in the mood:
Enjoy, and stay tuned for tomorrow’s photo, I think you’ll really like her…I know I do, oh my!

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