Watch A Biker Heroically Rescue A Kitten From A Busy Intersection


Who can resist a story that involves a daring rescue of a kitty from near certain death? Not me.
Evidently neither can the rescuer, a lady who goes by the unusual internet name of “Your Brain On Pizza.” (She hasn’t released her real name online, best we can tell.) Riding her 2013 Honda CBR250R, the woman waits patiently at a busy intersection. She yawns. Then, at 12 seconds into the video, a red vehicle travels from left to right, appearing to drop the kitten right into the middle of the road; it’s thought the cat had perhaps sought sanctuary in the engine bay and thus fell out. (This wouldn’t be the first time a cat has gotten stuck in a car). 
The driver, we assume, had no idea.
Neither did the woman, initially; she said on Reddit that she thought the cat was a leaf. As soon as she identified the stranded feline in the road, the lady leaped off her bike, into traffic, and heroically sprung to the rescue. Amazingly the kitten was unhurt, despite numerous vehicles driving directly over it.
After uploaded the video to YouTube and posting the clip to Reddit, our heroic rescuer said she has taken the kitten home. She has also traced the owner of the red vehicle and is in the process of determining if the cat was theirs. For now, though, the wee little rascal is being called Skidmark. 
Regardless of where it calls home, this is one very lucky kitty. And “Your Brain On Pizza” is our new Internet hero.

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