Nigeria At 55: We Are A Country Heading To The Right Direction – Skales


As the nation marks her 55th Independence anniversary, spoke to on a number of issues concerning the sociopolitical situation as well as his desire for Nigeria to be the actual giant of Africa more than just in words.
Raoul John Njeng-Njeng more popularly known as Skales.
What do you make of Nigeria at the moment in terms of political and socioeconomic growth and development?
“Nigeria as a country is heading in the right direction – We just saw an incumbent president losing in the elections – which would have caused outrage before, but he democratically conceded defeat and saved the country months of bloodshed.
“Economically, seeing as we are a country that’s very dependent on oil, the drop in oil prices has greatly affected the country, but I feel the President is the right person to tackle this. With the right cabinet members, Nigeria will be great again. We have already taken that first step.”
What are your suggestions for the authorities in terms of how to better the polity?
 Well, we keep hoping for the best. I read somewhere [about] the Senate President [saying] this is a new era, not one where elected persons just come in, bow their heads and go [at the end of the day without contributing to change] … Nigerians now follow politics keenly and that is good for the country.”
Raoul John Njeng-Njeng more popularly known as Skales.
Where do you see Nigeria in a few years from now?
“We already pride ourselves as being the giant of Africa, but I see Nigeria actually becoming the giant Of Africa [not just in words]. Taking China as an example, until two years ago the country used to be the largest importer and exporter [of goods] in the world, but now they have stopped importing seeing as everything they need can be made internally. They took a 30-year climb out of poverty and now when China sneezes the world gets a cold. That’s where I see Nigeria in Africa first.”
If you were to be in charge of a state or the nation, what are the top five sectors you will prioritize/ the top five projects you will execute?

“I’m not a politician, never have thought to be. But I will tackle our Education, Power and Health systems first [if I were to be in charge

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