Topic: Lobatan!: 70 percent of November/ December 2014 WAEC candidates “fail” exams (Read 2871 times)


More than 70 percent of the candidates who sat for the 2014 November/ December 2014 West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE), failed to make five credits, Mathematics and English Language inclusive, the exams body announced Thursday.

Scoring five credits with the two subjects is regarded as the pass mark for the exams.The Head, National Office of the Council, Charles Eguridu, who announced the results Thursday at a news conference in Lagos, said of the total 241,161 candidate who sat for the examinations in 2014, only 72,522 scored five credits with the two key subjects, giving a pass rate of 29.27 percent.

In 2013, out of 298,971 candidates who sat for the exams, a total of 86,612 candidates, representing, 29.17 percent obtained credits in 5 subjects and above including English Language and Mathematics.The 2014 performance improved dismally upon the 2013 record, at less than one percent.

The examination body said it withheld 28,817 results.According to Mr. Eguridu, the results were not released because they were connected to examination malpractice.

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