Ivanka on Growing Up With Donald Trump, How He’s an ‘Incredible’ Role Model to Grandkids

Ivanka Trump is a busy woman. In addition to working full-time as executive vice president of development and acquisitions at the Trump Organization, she spearheads the #WomenWhoWork initiative, founded the Ivanka Trump Collection, is an entrepreneur, a mother of two young children — and is expecting her third in two short months. Trump spoke to Yahoo Parenting about why she doesn’t like the “having it all” conversation, how her husband, real estate developer Jared Kushner, is a hands-on dad, and how her father, Donald Trump, has been an “incredible” role model for her children. Ivanka, who spoke to Yahoo Parenting the day before the Jan. 28 Republican debate, which her dad has bowed out of, does joke, though, that her kids are still too young to really know much about his presidential run. But that doesn’t mean he’s not priming them to follow in his footsteps: Between summers spent together at their New Jersey golf club, driving around the streets of New York City with 4-year-old Arabella, and teaching her how to point out potholes, the grandpa is “really, really amazing with the kids,” she says.Ivanka Trump: I feel great. Our house is in a constant state of chaos but I feel great. Arabella is very excited [too]. Joseph is less excited and is now just constantly reminding me that he’s my baby. … He’s very excited though that I moved him in to share a bedroom with his sister. They’re thick as thieves and it’s the most fun thing to ever have happened to them in their lives.I Never ‘Do it All’ — and I’m OK With That
You’ve spoken often about hating the “Can you have it all?” question. Why does it bother you so much? It implies that there’s only one right way to live your life, and that’s just not true. Having it all means different things to different people. In the arc of our own lives, even, we have different priorities at different times. What’s incredibly important and fulfilling today is very different from what I thought was important and fulfilling at 22. So the definition of happiness and fulfillment evolves. You have to discover for yourself what your priorities are and what’s important to you. That’s how I like to think about my life.Donald Trump’s Troubled Brother: When One Sibling Doesn’t Fit InWhat’s your priority right now? It’s really the individual time with each of them, spending one-on-one time with them. … Arabella loves reading. Joseph always wants to play with cars and trains with me on the floor. I make sure each day I spend like 30 minutes doing something with each kid.

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