The Latest: Castro hails US-Cuba thaw

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — Latest developments at the United Nations summit on the adoption of an ambitious blueprint to eradicate extreme poverty and other global goals. (All times local).
Hassan Rouhani
Iran's President Hassan Rouhani addresses the Sustainable Development Summit 2015, Saturday, Sept. 26, 2015 at United Nations headquarters.
Cuban President Raul Castro says the re-establishment of diplomatic relations between his country and the United States constitutes "major progress," but the U.S. economic blockade against Cuba is the "main obstacle" to his country's development.
Castro's speech to a gathering of world leaders at the U.N. General Assembly on Saturday was his first appearance before the world body. He spoke to a summit that adopted a sweeping agenda for global development includes the goal of eliminating poverty in 15 years.
The General Assembly will vote as early as next month to demand the American embargo's end. But this time, U.S. officials have told The Associated Press that the United States could abstain instead of voting against the resolution.
Castro says the embargo "is rejected by 188 U.N. member states."
9:55 a.m.
President Hassan Rouhani of Iran is expressing regret over the "heart-rending" trampling to death of hundreds of Muslim pilgrims near a Saudi Arabia holy site this week and calling for a swift investigation into it and similar incidents.
The crush killed more than 700 people and was the worst hajj disaster in a quarter-century.
Rouhani addressed the U.N. General Assembly during a development summit Saturday and in advance of his address on Monday to world leaders, including President Barack Obama.
Rouhani also linked violence against man and violence against nature, saying that "terrorists, in fact, tend to grow and thrive in lands deprived and damaged by environmental disasters and easily pour across borders like haze."
He said the recent Iran nuclear deal has created "suitable conditions for regional and international cooperation."

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