Donald Trump is widely expected to win the Republican primary in New Hampshire on Tuesday, despite the probable majority of Republicans who want to vote against him. Oddly, a lot of those anti-Trump votes could actually help pad Trump's delegate lead, Domenico Montanaro explains at NPR News. That's because with any candidate who doesn't earn at least 10 percent of the vote, their would-be delegates go to the primary winner. There are eight Republican candidates in the race (not counting Jim Gilmore), and four of them are vying furiously for the "establishment" vote. Not all those "establishment lane" candidates will reach the 10 percent threshold.
To illustrate his point, Montanaro takes a recent average of polls and awards New Hampshire's 20 delegates accordingly. Based on proportional allocation, Trump would earn six delegates (31 percent), Marco Rubio would win three (16 percent), and John Kasich and Ted Cruz would each take two (12 percent). The four remaining candidates would collectively earn 22 percent of the vote, or about four delegates, but because none of them met the 10 percent threshold, those four delegates would go to Trump, raising his delegate count to 10.
The icing on the cake for the anti-Trump establishment, Monatanaro writes, is that those 10 delegates "are bound to vote for Trump at the Republican National Convention in July, because of changes to the Republican National Committee's rules." You can read more about the establishment-voter dilemma at NPR News

Fox News star Bill O'Reilly was on Stephen Colbert's Late Show on Monday night, and Colbert asked him about Tuesday's primary election in New Hampshire. Prompted by Colbert, O'Reilly said that he didn't think Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.) killed his presidential campaign with his repetitive debate performance Saturday night. "Anyone can have a bad debate performance," O'Reilly said. "You just don't know." Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders will win the Republican and Democratic primaries, he predicted, though things get murky on the GOP side after that.
Colbert asked about the secret to Trump's success, and O'Reilly had some thoughts on the subject. "Trump hit history at the right time, because people are angry," he said "Trump and Sanders are really the same guy, they just change their facial expressions." "I've never seen them in the same room at the same time," Colbert offered. O'Reilly elaborated: "Trump and Sanders are the same guy, because both are tapping into anger, the anger of the voters, who feels they're getting hosed." He said the right doesn't like the open border and ISIS, and then did a terrible Bernie Sanders impression. "I'm sorry, did you just have a stroke right now?" Colbert asked.
O'Reilly tried the same joke after Colbert's superior Sanders impression, then he returned to his theme: "At this time in history, people want an avenger, they don't want a politician. They want somebody who's going to come in and blow the whole system up." That's good and bad, O'Reilly said, because, on the plus side, it gets people involved in politics. "What's bad is that both Trump and Sanders say stuff that's impossible, that could never happen."
After a commercial break, Colbert and O'Reilly politely sparred about Ronald Reagan before returning to Trump and Sanders. "Straight talk is what we need," O'Reilly said. "Which is why Sanders and Trump are doing so well — you don't have to like them, but you know where they stand." O'Reilly said that he, too, is a straight-talker, a problem-solver not an ideologue. "You're not a problem-solver, you're a cable news superhero." Colbert said. "I'll take that as a compliment," O'Reilly laughed. "Sure, why not?" Colbert said, then tipped his hat at his Colbert Report character: "How about you're a great model to do an impression of for 10 years.
As Germans kicked off their annual Carnival celebration Monday with huge parades, Donald Trump was right there with them — well, his head was, at least. The city of Düsseldorf's parade featured a massive papier mâché bust of the Republican presidential candidate atop a float.
The float depicts Trump crying over his recent defeat in the Iowa caucuses while simultaneously yelling at the Statue of Liberty, who is sticking her tongue out at him. Trump's campaign slogan is reimagined and painted on his infamous hair: "Make fascism great again."
Trump wasn't the only one lampooned atop a float. Caricatures of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and even the company Amazon also rode through the streets Monday.

There is trouble in Hillaryland: According to anonymous sources who spoke with Politico, Hillary Clinton is frustrated with her campaign staff — and vice versa. With the too-close-for-comfort win over Bernie Sanders in Iowa and a New Hampshire victory for the Vermont senator on the horizon, Clinton is reportedly looking to reassess the staff at her Brooklyn headquarters sooner rather than later.
One source who is close with both Hillary and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, said, "The Clintons are not happy, and have been letting all of us know that. The idea is that we need a more forward-looking message, for the primary — but also for the general election too… There's no sense of panic, but there is an urgency to fix these problems right now."
There is dissatisfaction among Clinton's staffers, too:
Over the summer while her campaign was bogged down in the email controversy, Clinton was deeply frustrated with her own staff, and vice versa. The candidate blamed her team for not getting her out of the mess quickly, and her team blamed Clinton for being stubbornly unwilling to take the advice of campaign chairman John Podesta and others to apologize, turn over her server, and move on. The entire experience made her a deeply vulnerable frontrunner out of the gate, and underscored a lack of trust between Clinton and her operatives, many of whom were former Obama staffers that she didn't consider part of her inner circle of trust.
Her advisers were also frustrated by having to play roles they hadn't been hired for and were ill-suited for. From the beginning, [the campaign's top pollster and strategist Joel] Benenson was frustrated that he was forced to split his time between defending his boss on emails and defining a path for her candidacy. Clinton, meanwhile, longed for a chief strategist in the Mark Penn mold who could take on a more expansive role than playing

Ben Stiller stopped by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon to share an “unaired” Super Bowl commercial he shot for Female Viagra. Ben first addressed the problem some women are facing today saying, “The thing is, even though zero women suffer from erectile disfunction, over 98 percent of women over 30 suffer from another condition called, ‘Not being turned on by their husband anymore.’”
And while the imaginary drug might seem like a cure-all for some, Stiller did issue some warnings, “Ask your doctor if you’re mentally prepared to see your husband without his shirt on. Side effects include dizziness, nausea, having sex with your husband, your husband saying 'sorry was that okay?’, and if your husband is over 70, nightmares.
Without any prior announcement, Louis C.K. posted the first episode of a new show, Horace and Pete, on his website on Saturday. The dramatic comedy, clocking in at a little over an hour, is set in an old bar, Horace and Pete’s. C.K. plays Horace; Steve Buscemi is Pete. The dingy bar is packed with stars playing low-down, screwed-up, and screwed-over people, including Jessica Lange, Alan Alda, SNL’s Aidy Bryant, Edie Falco, and Steven Wright. The show takes place almost entirely on the set of the bar, a 100-year-old, dingy establishment overseen by Horace and Pete along with Alan Alda as Uncle Pete, an exceedingly grumpy old guy given to racist, sexist, generally offensive sentiments. There is an extent to which this show is reminiscent of the Norman Lear era of sitcoms, most obviously All in the Family (and more site-specific, its spin-off, Archie Bunker’s Place—set, you’ll recall, in a bar). The show also has real roots in Duffy’s Tavern, a popular 1940s radio show that shifted to TV in the 1950s. There’s a lot of engrossing conversation here. (There is no laugh-track or studio audience.) The show was taped recently enough that there are comments about Donald Trump’s opting out of the Iowa debate. There is an intense family squabble over the provenance of the bar instigated by Falco’s Sylvia, Horace’s sister. There’s a lot of speechifying, some of it is moving and fascinating, some of it sounding like penny-ante Eugene O’Neill. It’s also completely fascinating, and full of really wonderful performances.
Bypassing FX, the network that airs Louie, C.K. is releasing “episode one” (who knows how many more will follow?) on his own website, in the same manner in which he’s sold some of his stand-up shows. Horace and Pete costs $5
Verbal punches were thrown, and the New Hampshire audience booed as though they were at a bare-knuckle brawl during ABC’s Saturday-night Republican debate. Marco Rubio was on the receiving end of some of the most punishing blows. The debate began like a bad Saturday Night Live sketch, with Ben Carson jamming up the entryway to the stage by refusing to take his place at the podium. Donald Trump added to the logjam, reducing Jeb Bush to squirming his way around Trump and Carson. Why did this happen? Apparently Carson didn’t hear his name called, and ABC’s bumbling at getting the men out of the cattle chute was certainly a funny way to start things off, lending the proceedings a clownish tone.That tone changed abruptly once everyone was finally coaxed into their spots, however. After Rubio dodged a question about his experience in the Senate by bringing up President Obama and batting him around, Chris Christie chastised Rubio, calling Rubio’s spiel a “memorized 30-second speech where you talk about how great America is [and it] doesn’t help one person.” How did Rubio respond? By repeating the same 30-second speech, nearly word-for-word. Remarkably, Rubio did the exact same thing a few minutes later. The effect was to leave a viewer thinking Rubio is either obsessed with his Obama rhetoric, or that he was at a loss as to how to improvise clear answers. For a man who, going into this debate, was seen as an up-and-coming challenger to frontrunners Trump and Cruz, the debate represented some fizzled steam. Trump was booed by the audience when he tried to stop a Bush criticism of him. “Let me talk — quiet,” commanded Trump, putting a finger to his lips as one might shush a noisy child. The crowd did not like that condescending move. Trump, ever-unpredictable, responded with something I haven’t seen before: He attacked the studio audience, suggesting that the hall was full of “donors” who were unhappy that he, Trump, doesn’t take donations. So the audience booed that. It was a crazy-fox strategy: risk alienating the relatively few people in the auditorium in order to regale the millions watching at home. Not sure how that plays to New Hampshire citizens voting on Tuesday.The tumult of the debate was due solely to the candidates themselves; the debate’s primary moderators, David Muir and Martha Raddatz, were mostly tedious questioners, too often quoting one candidate’s accusation against another, and asking for a response. Why couldn’t Muir and Raddatz come up with their own accusations? And while there were current issues that could have been raised for discussion at some length — the Flint, Mich., water crisis, for example — the moderators reached for a different kind of water issue: the use of waterboarding. All this did was provide Trump an occasion to puff up and deliver a bellicose, “I’d bring back waterboarding, and I’d being back a helluva lot worse than waterboarding!” This was moderating in a manner that enlightened no one.By any measure, you’d have to say that John Kasich, Christie, and Bush helped themselves the most this night, launching pointed rejoinders at frontrunners Trump, Cruz, and Rubio, garnering more spontaneous applause than those three governors have attracted in any debate to date. By the end, as the candidates milled around the stage hugging their relatives and signing autographs, Rubio looked a bit dazed, as though he’d been sucker-punched. Thus the debate began in confusion and ended in bafflement.

Which countries come top for ‘soft power’?
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Eden Hazard says he's sorry.
As news trickles out that Jose Mourinho is nearing a return to the managerial ranks, one of his former pupils has reached out to make things right...|By Sean Swaby

Mom always said to wear clean underwear for a good reason, right? That way, no one lands in the hospital while wearing a mortified expression in addition to howling in unbearable pain. Never mind that anyone in the hospital has greater concerns than underwear pride, but the warning gets nonetheless repeated across generations. Moms, so embarrassing. Salma Hayek’s Snake Phobia And Other Facts About ‘From Dusk Till Dawn’ 
Salma Hayek learned the meaning of the word “embarrassing” when she endured an on-set injury. Hayek never revealed the movie she’s filming, but she’s still sort of working on a film called Sausage Party. Nahh, that movie is actually an animated children’s film starring Seth Rogen and James Franco. Those two would delight in such a movie title, but Hayek must be up to something else.
Whatever the case, Hayek suffered what she described as “a minor head injury.” She rushed to the emergency room without changing shirts, but her noggin was a-okay. So, she felt well enough to pose with some doctors who looked thrilled in this Instagram picture. Boy, I wonder if their expressions have anything to do with Hayek’s wardrobe shirt?

A Stanford professor says eliminating 2 phrases from your vocabulary can make you more successful

woman speaking work
(Francisco Osorio/Flickr) Your language shapes the way you approach your goals.
The way you speak not only affects how others perceive you; it also has the potential to shape your behavior.
Swapping one word for another could make all the difference in how you approach your goals.
That's according to Bernard Roth, a professor of engineering at Stanford and the academic director of Stanford's Hasso Plattner Institute of Design (the
In his new book, "The Achievement Habit," Roth suggests several linguistic tweaks that can make you more successful. Here are two of the easiest:
You might be tempted to say, "I want to go to the movies, but I have work to do."
Instead, Roth suggests saying, "I want to go to the movies, and I have work to do."
He writes: "When you use the word but, you create a conflict (and sometimes a reason) for yourself that does not really exist." In other words, it's possible to go to the movies as well as do your work — you just need to find a solution.
Meanwhile, when you use the word and, "your brain gets to consider how it can deal with both parts of the sentence," Roth writes. Maybe you'll see a shorter movie; maybe you'll delegate some of your work.

2. Swap "have to" for "want to."

Roth recommends a simple exercise: The next few times you say "I have to" in your mind, change have to want.
"This exercise is very effective in getting people to realize that what they do in their lives — even the things they find unpleasant — are in fact what they have chosen," he says.
For example, one of Roth's students felt he had to take the math courses required for his graduate program, even though he hated them. At some point after completing the exercise, he realized that he really did want to take the classes because the benefit of completing the requirement outweighed the discomfort of sitting through classes he didn't enjoy.
Both of these tweaks are based on a key component of a problem-solving strategy called "design thinking." When you employ this strategy, you try to challenge your automatic thinking and see things as they really are.
And when you experiment with different language, you may realize that a problem isn't as unsolvable as it seems, and that you have more control over your life than you previously believed.

Raw: Dog Rescued From Rubble After Taiwan Quake

Raw: Dog Rescued From Rubble After Taiwan Quake
TAINAN, Taiwan (AP) — Rescuers were searching late Saturday for more than 100 people still missing after a powerful, shallow earthquake struck southern Taiwan before dawn, causing a high-rise residential building to collapse and killing at least 14 people.
Nearly 340 people were rescued from the rubble in Tainan, the city hit worst by the quake. About 2,000 firefighters and soldiers scrambled with ladders, cranes and other equipment to the ruins of the 17-floor residential building, which folded like an accordion onto its side after the quake struck.
The spectacular fall of the building immediately raised questions about its construction, and Taiwan's interior minister said there would be an investigation.
Local authorities said Saturday night that more than 100 people remained missing and that rescuers were racing to find them. Taiwan's official Central News Agency reported that 172 people were missing.
Rescuer Jian Zhengshun said the rescue work was difficult because part of the high-rise building was believed to be buried underground, with the quake loosening the earth. He said rescuers had to clear rubble for passages to reach people who were trapped.
Hundreds of people were injured in the quake, but most of them had been released from hospitals by Saturday night.
The quake came two days before the start of Lunar New Year celebrations that mark the most important family holiday in the Chinese calendar. The collapsed building had 256 registered residents, but far more people could have been inside when it fell because the population might have swelled ahead of the holiday, when families typically host guests.
Local media said the building included a care center for newborns and mothers, and a newborn was among those confirmed dead in the disaster.
Most people were asleep when the magnitude-6.4 earthquake hit at about 4 a.m., 22 miles (35 kilometers) southeast of Yujing. It struck only 6 miles (10 kilometers) underground, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. Shallow earthquakes generally cause more damage than deeper ones.
Tainan resident Lin Bao-gui, a secondhand car salesman whose cars were smashed when the building collapsed across the street from him, said his house first started "shaking horizontally, then up and down, then a big shake right to left."
"I stayed in my bed but jumped up when I heard a big bang, which was the sound of the building falling," he said.
Authorities in Tainan said that of the 14 people killed in the quake, 11 were found at the ruins of the fallen building.
Rescuers found the bodies of a 10-day-old infant, three other children and six adults at the collapsed building, Taiwan's emergency management information center said. One other death was reported at the site, but details were not immediately available.
Authorities said two people were killed by falling objects elsewhere in Tainan. No details were available on the 14th death, reported Saturday night.
Rescuers pulled out at least 247 survivors from the collapsed building, the emergency management information center said. Throughout Tainan, 334 people were rescued, the city government said.
The information center said 477 people were injured, with 380 of them discharged from hospitals by Saturday evening.
The Taiwanese news website ET Today reported that a mother and daughter were among the survivors from the building, and that the girl drank her urine while waiting to be rescued, which happened sooner than expected.
Rescuers went apartment to apartment, drawing red circles near windows of apartments they already had searched.
"I went to the top floors of the middle part of the building, where we found five people, one of whom was in bed and already dead," said Liu Wen-bin, a rescuer from Taichung. "Some people were found in the shower, some in the bedroom."
Elsewhere in Tainan, dozens of other people were rescued or safely evacuated from damaged structures or buildings declared unsafe following the quake, including a market and a seven-floor building, authorities said. A bank building also careened, but no one was injured or trapped.
All told, nine buildings collapsed and five careened in Tainan, the emergency management information center said.
As dawn broke, Taiwanese TV showed survivors being brought gingerly from the high-rise, including an elderly woman in a neck brace and others wrapped in blankets. The trappings of daily life — a partially crushed air conditioner, pieces of a metal balcony, windows — lay twisted in rubble.
People with their arms around firefighters were being helped from the building, and cranes were being used to search darkened parts of the structure for survivors.
Men in camouflage, apparently military personnel, marched into one area of collapse carrying large shovels.
The emergency management information center said 1,236 rescuers from outside Tainan were deployed, including 840 from the army, along with six helicopters and 23 rescue dogs.
Tainan's municipal government said it mobilized nearly 600 professional and volunteer firefighters.
The quake was felt as a lengthy, rolling shake in the capital, Taipei, on the other side of the island. But Taipei was quiet, with no sense of emergency or obvious damage just before dawn.
Residents in mainland China also reported that the tremor was felt there. The Beijing government offered to help as needed.
Because of the collapse of the residential high-rise, questions surfaced about whether the 1989 structure had shoddy construction. Tainan's government said the building was not listed as a dangerous structure before the quake, and Taiwan's interior minister, Chen Wei-zen, said an investigation would examine whether the developer had cut corners during construction.
Earthquakes frequently rattle Taiwan, but most are minor and cause little or no damage. However, a magnitude-7.6 quake in central Taiwan in 1999 killed more than 2,300 people.

Katie May (Instagram)Playboy model Katie May passed away on Thursday, February 4, after suffering a serious stroke on Monday, February 1, according to TMZ. She was 34. According to the site, May, known as the “Queen of Snapchat,” was taken off life support on Thursday and died surrounded by her family and friends.May’s family set up a GoFundMe page on Thursday to raise funds to support her 7-year-old daughter, Mia.Celebrity Health Scares“Anyone who was lucky enough to know Katie May was truly blessed by her incredible heart, mind and soul,” the donation page reads. “She was an inspiration and a guiding light to so many people in this world. Please help us by donating money to support her daughter and best friend Mia. We want to raise as much money for Mia’s living trust as possible to ensure she will always be taken care of. Mia was Katie’s whole life, so please help Katie, Mia and us by donating money to Mia.”PHOTOS: Celebrity Deaths in 2016: Stars We’ve LostThe blonde beauty’s family previously told TMZ that May had been complaining of neck pain prior to her stroke on Monday.“@Ms_katiemay you look amazing my lady. How’s your neck feeling?” one of her followers wrote to May on Sunday, January 31. “Thanks love!” the model replied. “It still hurts, going back to chiropractor tomorrow xoxoxo.”May’s last Instagram post was on Monday, February 1, and featured a photo of her leaning against a sandy cliff while wearing a bikini. “Hope everyone is having a great Monday!” she captioned the snap. “It’s very windy here today in LA #bikini #california #beach #lagunabeach.”PHOTOS: Stars Gone Too SoonCan’t get enough of Us? Sign up now for the Us Weekly newsletter packed with the latest celeb news, hot pics and more!

Pope Francis' sex abuse advisory committee has voted to temporarily sideline one of its members, a high-profile abuse survivor who had clashed with the commission over its mission

Pope's sex abuse panel tells survivor to take a time-out
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Peter Saunders, a British advocate for survivors, talks during an interview with the Associated Press in Rome, Saturday, Feb. 6, 2016. Pope Francis’ sex abuse advisory committee voted Saturday to temporarily sideline one of its members, a high-profile abuse survivor who had clashed with the commission over its mandate and mission. During a meeting of the commission Saturday, "it was decided that Mr. Peter Saunders would take a leave of absence from his membership to consider how he might best support the commission's work," the Vatican said in a statement. (AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia)

VATICAN CITY (AP) -- Pope Francis' sex abuse advisory committee voted Saturday to sideline one of its members, a high-profile abuse survivor who had clashed with the commission over its mission.
Peter Saunders, a British advocate for victims, had been highly critical of the Vatican's slow pace of progress in taking measures to protect children and punish bishops who covered up for pedophile priests. He had also wanted the commission to intervene immediately in individual cases, rather than just craft long-term policies to fight abuse.
During a commission meeting Saturday, "it was decided that Mr. Peter Saunders would take a leave of absence from his membership to consider how he might best support the commission's work," the Vatican said.
The decision is a blow to Francis' efforts to show that he is tough on abuse, since the presence of Saunders and another abuse survivor, Marie Collins, had given the commission credibility.
In an interview with The Associated Press, Saunders said commission members, with one abstention, asked had him to step aside after concluding they could no longer trust him to work within the scope of the commission's mandate.
"I do not want to prevent the work of the commission, the good work that the commission is doing from going ahead, so I had no choice but to step aside," he said.
He said the Vatican's inaction in the face of continuing cases of children being raped and molested "made me lose faith in the process and lose faith in Pope Francis."
His departure leaves Collins as the lone abuse survivor on the commission, which was formed in 2013 to advise the Vatican on protecting children, educating church personnel and parishioners about abuse, and keeping pedophiles out of the priesthood.
Collins told the AP it was a "sad day" for the commission. She acknowledged Saunders' complaints about the pace of work but said the overall mission was still important.
"It is slow. It's not going to make changes overnight. And there are frustrations in that," she said. "But if we can change policy and get policies put in place that will stick around the world that will make children safer in the future, then it's worth making time to get it right."
The commission was formed after victims' groups questioned whether the Argentine pope, who had never dealt with an abuse case, really understood the scope of the scandal. But the commission took a big step last year when it successfully proposed that the Vatican create an in-house tribunal to hear cases of bishops accused of failing to protect their flocks.
The commission had been highly critical of Francis' decision to appoint a Chilean bishop despite allegations from abuse survivors that he had covered up for the country's most notorious pedophile, the Rev. Fernando Karadima.
One of Karadima's victims, Juan Carlos Cruz, joined Saunders on Saturday in Rome in hopes of speaking to the commission but was refused. Cruz had been proposed as a possible commission member but emails published in the Chilean media showed how the Chilean church hierarchy worked to keep him off the panel.
 Three bank officials in Lagos have been arraigned for theft.
 The three men are accused of stealing N2.8 million from their clients.
 The case will resume in late February.
Three Ecobank employees were arraigned in Lagos on Tuesday for allegedly stealing N2.8 million from their customers’ accounts.
The accused bank officials – Oluwatoyin Adetunji (41), Oluwatosin Obademi (32) and Olushola Ogunshina (39) – are facing a three-count charge of conspiracy, forgery and stealing before Tinubu magistrates court in Lagos Island.
The prosecutor, Inspector Nurudeen Thomas, told the court that the accused persons forged the signatures of several Ecobank customers between July 10 and 14, 2015 and stole the sum of N2.8million from their accounts at the Iyan-Ipaja branch of the bank.
He said that Adetunji and Obademi were working as cashiers while Ogunshina worked in the informational technology department of the bank at the time of their crime.
According to the prosecutor, Obademi and Ogunshina claimed that Adetunji came to them with the dastardly criminal proposal and promised to pay them N350,000 each if they colluded with him.
The accused have been charged with offences under Sections 285, 361 and 409 of the Criminal Code of Lagos State, 2011.
The Chief Magistrate, Mrs K.B Ayeye, granted the accused individuals bail in the sum of N200,000 with two sureties held in like sum.
The case was adjourned until February 22 for further hearings.
 A wife and a mistress were filmed fighting after they arrive in the hospital to visit the same man;
 The catfight was recorded by local media and later surface online;
 The culprit of the incident was injured in a fatal bus accident last month.
When two loving women come to see you in the hospital just after you cheated death in car crash it’s great but when those women are your wife and mistress this happens

These are the shocking scenes when the wife and mistress of a bus crash victim accidentally meet outside a Peruvian hospital and begin a vicious cat fight in the middle of the street
A brutal catfight erupted outside the hospital in Central Peru after a wife and ex-lover bumped into each other when they both came to visit the same man at the same time.
 (photos, video)
The bizarre incident was caught on camera by local media journalists who had arrived at the hospital to report on the condition of the other passengers injured in the deadly bus crash.

Several other people tried to tear the women apart as they pulled and dragged at each other
The footage show the two furious women hitting, punching and pulling each other’s hair.
At one point, a third woman, who is reportedly is related to one of the women, joins in before two male passers-by eventually managed to separate the trio.
The man was injured last month during a bus accident last month
The culprit of the incident was injured last month during a bus accident in the Province of Chanchamayo that killed 17 and injuried 32 people.

Singer Nikki Laoye reveals plans to play movie roles
 Talks about new song with music star Seyi Shay
 She also promises her fans a packed 2016
Singer Nikki Laoye has revealed plans to surprise her fans in 2016 as she has a lot of plans in the works.
In an exclusive chat with Vanguard, the dancer and media personality also said that she has a song with R&B star Seyi Shay which is set to drop later in 2016.
Singer Nikki Laoye
She said: “We’ve been planning to do this together for a long time but we’ve both been extremely busy. Even when we were both in London, we tried to hookup but it was just impossible.
“We finally found time to get in the studio, and in less than two hours we were able to put something together and it was done.”
According to other sources, Nikki also plans to try out some acting this year.
It is certainly not going to be a surprise seeing the musician appear in movies as she has graced several stage plays in times past.
Oyenike ‘Nikki’ Laoye-Oturu is a 35-year-old Nigerian singer, dancer and songwriter who does alternative R&B and pop with a blend of gospel music. \Her debute album Angel 4 Life dropped in 2008 and since then she has enjoyed raved reviews and critical acclaim.

Liverpool announced Alex Teixeira’s price
Teixeira expressed his frustration
Liverpool has offered £24million for the Brazilian player. However, according to Shakhtar, Alex Teixeira’s release clause is £50 million.
Despite the desire of the player to leave the Ukranian club, Palkin said: “They offered €32 million (£24m) with a €4m (£3m) bonus. We obviously refused to accept it. Our position is that we do not want to sell Teixeira today.
We will sell only at the end of the season – we need to show serious results in Europa League and Ukrainian Championship. At the end of the season we will sit down at the negotiating table.His buyout clause is €70m. [Liverpool] can pay it now if they want. We don’t mind”.
And Klopp urges Liverpool fans to stand by the club’s decision not to pursue the forward.
Klopp said:  “It’s very, very important that, yes, you can trust us. It was a common decision [on Teixeira]. We said, ‘We can’t play this game until the end’.”
The German coach added: “We made offers, I won’t say too much about that, but they were realistic, absolutely, with the premium of it being January, the Premier League, all the plusses you have when you make negotiations. 
“But it was a case of, ‘If you don’t want it, OK, we can’t change the situation, both for now and the future’. It’s not that we haven’t got money or anything, but you have to work respectfully and responsibly. That’s what we do. “We will do things, for sure. Not in this window, but we will. It is like it is and it’s not you should buy and sell, buy and sell.”
He continued: “We have enough strikers, if they are all fit. So we have four strikers – although some are injured – plus Roberto [Firmino]. “If we were to find a solution in the offence that helps us not for three weeks, but three months or more, I would say OK.
“If we had, then we would’ve done it – but only for the right price, the normal price and not something else. The situation that we had wasn’t too easy but gave us the chance to show more faith and trust in young players than normal.”
In his interview Teixeira expressed his frustration: “The team received one official offer from the club. It was rejected. I don’t know why. It was a great offer.I am trying to leave but the manager and club president don’t want me to.
“So now I’m just waiting. Trying to be patient. There’s only been one offer, I don’t know how many millions, and Shakhtar rejected it. The club refused and I’m trying everything possible for them to accept so that I can go to Liverpool.”
Teixiera added: “I don’t know. It’s tough to answer that. I have tried everything to be able to leave the club – in a good way obviously. But the coach and the president don’t want me to, so I don’t know what to say for the moment.”
Speaking about Liverpool, he said: “Yes, it is a big club. So many great players have passed through there. It would be an honour to defend the Liverpool shirt. The way I play is always looking to score, so I think I could help in that respect.
“Together with the talented players they already have in the squad. I played with  Coutinho when we were little, at the age of 10 or 11 years old. It would be an honour to play alongside him again. For me, [the Premier League] is the best league in the world and I want to experience that challenge in my career.
Dabota Lawson has been married to her Billionaire husband since December 2014
Dabota deletes her Instagram page following rumours that her marriage has packed up

Dabota and husband
Following rumours that her marriage to billionaire husband, Sunny Aku, has crashed, the self – proclaimed ‘ queen of queens’ has deleted her Instagram account.
The one time beauty queen reportedly separated from her husband, stating irreconcilable differences as the reason for the breakup. Rumour has it that she left her husband heartbroken and the ‘poor man’ is taking it very badly. Gist making the rounds says Dabota has already moved on.

According to reports, the former model and beauty queen was allegedly kicked out of her home in August 2015, for supposedly being unfaithful to her husband, rumours which she shot down by posting a video of herself and her husband to her Instagram page. The breakup rumours came up again, with the beauty queen deleting all the pictures of her home, leaving only pictures from her cosmetics line. She has finally deleted her Instagram page, thereby making the rumours of her broken marriage, sound very authentic.
Here’s a screenshot of her deleted Instagram page:
Manchester City appoint Pep Guardiola as new manager
 The former Manchester City manager Manuel Pellegrini is reportedly in talks with Chelsea
 Pellegrini is not ready to retire yet
The Bayern Munich coach, Pep Guardiola has been appointed as the new manager at Manchester City for next season on a three year deal.
The 45-year-old will replace Manuel Pellegrini, who will leave on June 30. Pellegrini was appointed at the Etihad in 2013 and led the club to the Premier League and League Cup double the following season.

According to the Express,  Chelsea are now believed to be considering Pellegrini as a replacement for Jose Mourinho as Guus Hiddink in charge only until the summer. It also states that the Chilean is 63 in August but he wants to continue managing in the English  Premier League.
“Pellegrini boasts the third best win ratio in Premier League – after Mourinho and Sir Alex Ferguson – and apart from Arsene Wenger is the only current top-flight manager who has won the title. It is understood he is already attracting interest, with Chelsea at the head of the queue,” Express stated. Powered by Blogger.

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